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Fine Chinese Painting - Zhang Daqian - Lush Mountains in Misty Gleam

Zhang Daqian 張大千
Zhang Daqian (1899-1983),
Lush Mountains in Misty Gleam, 1967,
splashed ink and colour on gold paper,
framed, 128.2 x 63.5cm
Courtesy of Sotheby's

張大千 (1899-1983 年) 
灊霍瑞靄》, 1967 年作
潑墨潑彩金箋, 鏡框 128.2 x 63.5 公分

A gift dedicated to a close friend of the artist, Lush Mountains in Misty Gleam was created in 1967 when Zhang Daqian reached the pinnacle of his splashed-ink-and-colour style. Executed on a large gold paper measuring nearly 130 centimetres, it combines aspects of an abstract approach with traditional ink painting techniques to depict a verdant, steep mountainside. With ink as his starring muse, Zhang masterfully splashes bold hues onto the paper, flowing freely with only a touch of guidance from the brush, then adding a thick layer of mineral pigment such as malachite green to create a crystal-like surface. Glossy and bright like a gem, the vibrant, organic landscape on gleaming paper depicts a magnificent and breath-taking scene.

本幅寫於一九六七年, 正值大千潑墨潑彩創作大盛時期, 故選取四尺整幅金箋為材, 取抽象手法, 略施傳統筆墨點景, 狀高山聳翠, 白練飛瀉之景, 傑閣則構於峰巔處, 巍峨矗立, 呈高山仰止之意。畫面以濃墨為主調, 潑灑於上, 墨色隨意傾流, 復用筆稍作牽引, 畫景隨之而生, 上蓋石青石綠, 礦物顏料厚重, 形成晶瑩塊面, 亮如寶石, 光彩燦然, 與金箋相襯, 益顯堂煌瑰麗, 氣象萬千。

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