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JMW Turner - Ehrenbreitstein

J.M.W. Turner 泰納

More than just a landscape, Turner's painting reflects a passage from Childe Harold, an epic poem the leading Romantic English poet, Lord Byron.  In the poem, Byron refers to the fortress of Ehrenbreitstein in the context of his own sense of melancholy and disillusionment in the aftermath of the French revolutionary wars.  But for Turner it would seem that the fortress represents something more positive: that peace has vanquished war.  The ancient fortress, almost dissolved in a hazy light, is no but a backdrop to the enduring everyday activities of the Rhine and Moselle valleys.

In Ehrenbreitstein, painted in 1835, Turner has created an image that speaks in a profound way to both the eye and the mind - a duality that is at the heart of his unique artistic genius.

泰納此畫不但描繪了恢弘景致,更呼應了英國浪漫主義詩人拜倫 (Lord Byron) 的長篇敘事史詩《恰爾德·哈羅爾德遊記》(Childe Harold) 其中一段篇章。詩中, 拜倫藉著埃倫布賴特施泰因要塞,抒發自身於法國革命戰爭後的失落覺醒與憂鬱之情。然而, 對泰納而言, 要塞具有正面意義,象徵和平最終熄滅了戰火, 要塞遺址在背景中已見模糊, 幾乎消失於朦朧日光中, 成為萊茵河上及穆莎河谷 (Moselle valleys) 中人們日常生活的映襯。

《埃倫布賴特施泰因》中的一片勝景除了賞心悅目以外, 其深意更直指人心。泰納的藝術才華獨一無二, 饒富層次, 在此作可見一斑。

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