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Rudi Mantofani (b. 1973), Bayangan Merah (Red Shadow), 2009, acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm Est. HK$380,000 – 580,000 / US$48,000 – 74,000 印尼當代畫家──魯迪 . 曼度凡尼(Rudi Mantofani;1973年生) 《紅色倒影》,2009年作,壓克力畫布,200 x 200 公分 估價:38萬至58萬港元/4萬8,000至7萬4,000美元 |
Sotheby’s set the world auction record of Indonesian Contemporary artist Rudi Mantofani in October 2008 (Pohon-pohon Langit - sold for HK$3.02 million), and is proud to offer another thought provoking work by the artist - Bayangan Merah (Red Shadow) - this Autumn. Measuring 200 x 200 cm, this magnificent canvas is imbued with a sense of enigmatic beauty. A luxuriant tree occupies the central position of the painting, but the depiction of its surrealistic red shadow challenges viewers to decipher the underlying codes within Mantofani’s witty visual parable. The visual ploy here is a meditation on human nature. Through this work, Mantofani attempts to bring us closer to the truth while maintaining a positive outlook. Bayangan Merah (Red Shadow) is a fresh and iconic work that testifies to Rudi Mantofani’s reputation as a virtuoso painter and a critical thinker. The combination of rich visual narrative and enigmatic aesthetic highlights the present work as one of the artist’s finest.
蘇富比於2008年10月秋拍中,創下了印尼當代畫家魯迪 曼度凡尼之作品拍賣紀錄,其作品《空中樹》(Pohon-pohon Langit)以302萬港元成交。今季蘇富比將帶來曼度凡尼另一發人深省之作──《紅色倒影》,是畫家具標誌性之作,不但表現其超凡之繪畫技術,更確認其思想家的身份。巨大的畫面散發著神秘迷人之美,一棵茂密的大樹置於中央,與水面上的暗紅色倒影遙遙相對。此情此景超乎現實想像,曼度凡尼以畫面邀請觀者為其幽默寓言進行解碼,在揭示真相的同時亦鼓勵保持正面思想。對人性的反思才是本幅的主旨。豐富的視覺叙事效果,加上神秘的美感,使《紅色倒影》成為曼度凡尼最優秀的作品之一。
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