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The Point Becomes a Circle, and Time Turns into a Ball in a Curved Space, Rossi Rossi

The Point Becomes a Circle, and Time Turns into a Ball in a Curved Space
Erbossyn Meldibekov Solo Exhibition
8 February– 8 March 2025
Rossi & Rossi Wong Chuk Hang

Few artists have kept their finger on the pulse of the layered cultural, artistic and sociohistorical landscape of Central Asia as firmly as Erbossyn Meldibekov (b. 1964), who has been making works that serve as metaphors for the ever shifting geopolitics of the region since the early 1990s. The Point Becomes a Circle, and Time Turns into a Ball in a Curved Space, the artist’s fourth solo exhibition at Rossi & Rossi Hong Kong, will take place on the 8th of February 2025, showcasing a brand new body of works from the past five years. In them, Meldibekov returns to the visual foundations of his oeuvre, namely the point and the circle, as symbols to expound the art history and its contemporary discourse of the steppes in his native Kazakhstan.

Rossi & Rossi香港

很少有藝術家能像埃爾博辛·梅爾迪別科夫(Erbossyn Meldibekov)一樣,長久以來如此深入追從中亞地區複雜的文化、藝術和社會歷史景觀的脈搏。從上世紀九十年代以來,他一直用藝術創作來隱喻該地區地緣政治上的變動。2025年2月8日,梅爾迪別科夫將在Rossi & Ross藝廊舉辦他在香港的第四次個展, 名為《點變成圓,而時間在彎曲空間中成為球體》。是次展覽將展出藝術家在過去五年中的創作。在近作中,梅爾迪別科夫回歸到自己藝術實踐中最基本的視覺元素——點和圓,並以此作為符號媒介來闡述發生在中亞腹地的藝術歷史和當代話語。

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Karl Marx Peak and Friendrich Engels Peak, 2024, Aluminium basin, Dimension variable

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Posthistory, 2021-22, Inkjet photo prints, light boxes, set of 10, each 50 x 70 cm

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Salang Pass, 2011-23, Enameled bathtubs, Dimensions variable