Liu Ye 劉野
Liu Ye (b. 1964), Sword, 2001 – 2002, acrylic and oil on canvas, 180 x 360 cm Est. HK$22 – 25 million / US$2.8 – 3.2 million
《劍》,劉野(1964年生),2001–2002年作,壓克力及油畫畫布, 180 x 360公分
Sotheby’s Hong Kong 40th Anniversary Evening Sale on 5 October will bring the debut auction appearance of Sword - one of the three large-format works of the same size from the same series by Liu Ye executed between 2001 and 2002. The other two works, namely Smoke and Gun, are now unavailable on the market, in which the former was sold for HK$3.7 million in April 2006 at Sotheby’s Hong Kong – the world auction record for the artist – and is now in private hands, and the latter is currently held in the M+ Sigg Collection in Hong Kong. The spotlight now naturally falls on the present Sword which is inspired by Ang Lee’s award-winning film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and that it resonates a scene of the film where the two female leads posed in a showdown of might and skill. Sword captures the signature surrealist whimsicality that has become tantamount to the artist’s work, while combining in equal parts Western and Chinese influences, allowing this piece to stand out in all of its exceptional rarity. While the style of the painting is intensely Asian and looks back to a strong history of Chinese art, Western styles of shading and shaping are employed to convey such things as the fleeciness of the treetops or the jagged coldness of the blades.
《劍》是劉野在2001至2002年所創作之三件尺幅相同的大型畫作之一。蘇富比在2006年4月的春季拍賣中,以370萬港元拍出本系列的另一畫作《煙》,刷新劉野之個人拍賣紀錄。時至今日,本系列的《煙》和《槍》已分別被私人藏家和香港M+希克藏品(M+ Sigg Collection)所收藏,因此焦點自然落在是次首現拍場之《劍》身上。《劍》受李安導演的獲獎電影《臥虎藏龍》影響,畫中兩個小女孩的構圖與戲中兩位女主角一決高下的場景互相呼應,表現出豐富的戲劇味道。相比起《煙》和《槍》,此幅《劍》中強烈的顏色與淡淡的哀愁並置在一起,在捕捉畫家超現實主義狂想的同時,亦結合了中國及西方的影響;其帶有濃厚的亞洲畫風,但西方的作畫技巧與風格亦顯然易見——從豐盈的樹梢及寒光乍現的刀劍中可略見一二,讓這珍罕巨作能在本系列中脫穎而出。
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