Pablo Picasso's Family of Saltimbanques
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Pablo Picasso Family of Saltimbanques, 1905 Oil on Canvas 212.8 cm × 229.6 cm (83 3⁄4 in × 90 3⁄8 in) Chestor Dale Collection, National Gallery of Washington D.C. |
巴勃羅·畢加索(Pablo Picasso)在1904年至1906年初之間探索馬戲團主題時,畫了《Family of Saltimbanque》(譯:迴演馬戲團表演家庭)。當時,他經常到蒙馬特(Montmatre)的馬戲團(Cirque Medrano)。這件藝術品描繪了在塃野中的六個巡迴演出的馬戲團表演者。 《Family of Saltimbanque》(譯:迴演馬戲團表演家庭)被視為畢加索玫瑰時期或馬戲團時期的傑作。
該組合將六位迴演表演者組合在一起。但是,由於彼此不看對方,他們似乎斷開了聯繫。一些評論家認為,《Family of Saltimbanque》(譯:迴演馬戲團表演家庭)是畢加索及其圈子的集體肖像,象徵著貧窮,獨立和孤立。
在1904年,一位年輕法國金融家 Andre Level 成立了藝術品投資公司。他故意諷刺地以 La Fontaine 的寓言來命名為 La Peau de l'Ours(在該寓言中,獵人出售一隻大熊的毛皮,但大熊從沒有被捉拿到 - 這正正是一個投機的警告。該投資購買了不為公眾所熟悉的高更 (Gaugiun)和莫奈 (Monet)等藝術家,以及一些完全未有人認識的畫家包括畢加索的作品,總共150幅畫作。十年後於1914年,這巨形大的畫作 《Family of Saltimbanque》(譯:迴演馬戲團表演家庭)成為拍賣焦點之一。現在,它在華盛頓特區的國家藝術博物館展出。
Family of Saltimbanques was painted by Pablo Picasso between Year 1904 to early 1906, when he explored the circus theme. He often attended Cirque Medrano in Montmatre. This work of art depicts six saltimbanques, who are itinerant circus performers, in wilderness. Family of Saltimbanques is considered the master piece in Picasso's Rose Period or called the Circus Period.
The composition groups the saltimbanques together. However, they seem disconnected as they do not look at one another. Critics have suggested Family of Saltimbanques is a covert group portrait of Picasso and his circle, symbolized poor, independent and isolated.
In 1904, a young French financier, Andre Level, form an art investment fun. He named, with intentional irony, La Peau de l'Ours, after a fable by La Fontaine in which hunters sell the skin of a great bear but were unable to catch it - a warning about speculation. The group bought works by artists such as Gaugiun and Monet, who were still unfamiliar to many members of the public, as well as complete unknowns like Picasso, a total of 150 paintings. Ten years later, in 1914, the huge painting Family of Saltimbanques was one of the focuses at an auction. Now it is at the National Museum of Art in Washington, D.C.