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張大千晚年最重要潑墨潑彩作品 《桃源圖》

Zhang Daqian’s Peach Blossom Spring

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Peach Blossom Spring The Most Important Splashed-Ink-And-Colour Masterpiece From Zhang Daqian’s Late Career

Zhang Daqian’s Peach Blossom Spring
Sold for US$34.7 million
Zhang Daqian’s Peach Blossom Spring
Photo from Sotheby's Hong Kong
C.K. Cheung, Head of Chinese Paintings Department, Sotheby’s, says, “We are pleased with the results of our two-day Chinese Paintings sales, 4th and 5th April, 2016, which achieved a combined total of HK$692 million. Our carefully-curated sales attracted active bidding from collectors across China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia and abroad, which is testament to a stable and healthy market. Highlight of this season is Zhang Daqian’s Peach Blossom Spring that set a world record for the artist at HK$271 million. Other works by the artist also performed well, with all 23 works being sold. In addition, we saw a tremendous result in our first Fine Chinese Paintings evening sale – Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy from the Yong Li Studio, which reflects the market’s recognition of the Collector’s sophisticated taste as well as our department’s meticulous sourcing approach.”

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This Spring Sotheby’s Hong Kong is honoured to present the Most Important Chinese Historical Object ever to be offered at Auction. Bearing the inscription “Revere Heaven and Serve thy People”, the Seal of the Mandate of Heaven (Estimate upon request) is the largest and most powerful ever carved for the Kangxi Emperor, the greatest and longest reigning monarch of China. Two other important historic objects of the period will be offered to complement this extraordinary seal: the Yuanjianzhai seal, and one of only two existing copies of the personal record of the Kangxi Emperor’s seals, in which the exact impressions of both seals are recorded. All three lots will be offered in a dedicated themed sale titled Kangxi – Emperorship and Power on 6 April 2016 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
香港蘇富比即將於 4 月 6 日中國藝術品春拍期間隆重舉行「敬天勤民— 康熙御製珍寶」專拍,呈獻拍賣史上最具歷史價值之中國珍寶─康熙帝御寶「敬天勤民」檀香木異 獸鈕方璽(估價待詢),乃中國歷來在位時間最長、最強大的君主─康熙皇帝的最大型、最重要的 印璽。專拍尚包括一方壽山石雕製之康熙「淵鑑齋」印,以及僅兩部傳世的「康熙寶藪」印譜之 一,其為乾隆皇帝將其祖父康熙之御璽收集鈐蓋,裝訂成冊,以作後世流傳。
Nicolas Chow, Deputy Chairman, Sotheby’s Asia, International Head and Chairman, Chinese Works of Art, said, “It is an unprecedented privilege for us to handle such an important historical relic of China's Imperial past. This seal is emblematic of the Mandate of Heaven, which has legitimised the authority of rulers in China since the dawn of recorded history. This almighty principle was also the single guiding light for the Kangxi Emperor, China’s longest reigning emperor, who is credited for completing the conquest of China, anchoring the Qing dynasty and ushering in a long period of great prosperity and peace. The Kangxi Emperor was the single most powerful person on earth at the time, ruling over a vast Kingdom and over 100 million subjects.”

蘇富比亞洲區副主席、中國藝術品部國際主管及主席仇國仕(Nicolas Chow)表示:「能夠為市場帶 來如此重要的中國御製珍寶,是我們前所未有的無上光榮。康熙為清王朝統一江山並開展一段長久 的輝煌盛世,坐擁廣大的大清帝國和逾億子民,是中國在位時間最長的統治者,亦是當時全世界最 強大的君主。康熙帝『敬天勤民』寶璽正代表了貫穿中國歷史的『君權天授』哲學思想,以及天子 作為天命所歸的統治者之正統性,是康熙帝作為君主的座右銘。」

THE SEAL OF THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN – Key to Legitimacy & Emperorship 「敬天勤民」寶璽

The of the Mandate of Heaven - A Highly Important Imperial Tanxiang Seal Qing dynasty, Kangxi period
10.9 x 10.2 x 10.2 cm
Estimate upon request, Sotheby's.

清康熙 康熙帝御寶「敬天勤民」檀香木異獸鈕方璽
10.9 x 10.2 x 10.2 公分

The Mandate of Heaven (tianming) is the philosophical tenet that Heaven granted emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern and their righteousness and was used throughout the history of China to validate and legitimise the rule of the emperors of China. According to this belief, Heaven will only bestow its mandate to a just and virtuous ruler, the Son of Heaven. Otherwise, the Mandate and thus his right over his kingdom and subjects will be forfeited in favour of someone better qualified. The overthrow of an emperor was often interpreted as the loss of the Mandate of Heaven. The kings of the Zhou dynasty (1046- 256 BCE) first used the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to legitimise their rule and the overthrow of the earlier Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BCE).

康熙御寶「敬天勤民」檀香木璽在清代皇帝璽印中非常特殊,與康熙帝的個人信念和政治綱領有密 切關係,為拍賣史上最具歷史價值之中國珍寶。「敬天勤民」寶,於康熙年間一直存放於乾清宮, 此乃皇帝議政和接待外賓的宮殿,足見其重要性。處於清王朝發展鼎盛時期的康熙、雍正、乾隆皇 帝均鐫刻有「敬天勤民」寶,而雍正、乾隆所製者正是以康熙之璽為藍本。他們重視的並不是寶璽 本身,而是「敬天勤民」四字所蘊含的意義和思想,認為此座右銘能為其統治帶來權威和祝福。

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Sotheby’s Hong Kong presents the first single-owner collection of contemporary ink art at auction
Xu Lei (b.1963)Tree of Blue Underglaze2008
Ink and colour on paper, framed 211 x 120 cm
Est.: HK$3 – 5 million / US$387,000 – 645,000  
Liu Dan (b.1953)Poppy2008
Ink on paper, framed
212 x 148 cm
Est.: HK$2.5 
– 4 million / US$323,000 – 520,000
 worldwide – The Origo Collection – on 4 April 2016 during the Spring Sales series. Offering 83 lots, the sale represents a major selection from the Collection, epitomising the diversity of contemporary ink art works in scale, concept and stylistic approach. Significant works, most of them fresh to the auction market, by artists including Gao Xingjian, Gu Wenda, Li Huayi, Li Jin, Liu Dan, Liu Guosong, Qiu Deshu, Wang Dongling, Xu Bing, Xu Lei, Zeng Xiaojun, Yang Jiechang and Zhang Yu, will be featured. 

The Origo Collection
Assembled with a pioneering vision, the world-class collection provides a diversity that illustrates the  ibrant potential of a genre that is, first and foremost, contemporary. Ranging from ink and acrylic on paper to video and multimedia by internationally acclaimed artists, The Origo Collection represents a significant survey of contemporary ink works that are diverse in styles, offering a contemporary expression of Chinese culture today with crossover international appeal. Sometimes monumental in scale and intellectually daring in approach, the works of The Origo Collection represent more than three decades of artistic innovation, capturing the full range and evolution of styles of ink art practices from the late 20th century through the present.

About Contemporary Ink Art
Contemporary ink art represents a truly innovative and revolutionary sector of the arts in today’s
international market. The genre is not defined by the medium of ink alone; in fact, artists, especially those in Asia, create varied stylistic approaches and have consistently been cultivating, experimenting and innovating their art in the ink medium. Although rooted in Chinese culture and history, ink art expresses an aesthetic that transcends cultural differences. While ink art is typically associated as being “Chinese”, it has expanded to encompass a broad range of inspirations and traditions, and thus appeal to collectors across categories.

The Origo Collection presents a significant range of iconic works by established artists such as Gao Xingjian, Li Huayi, Li Jin, Liu Dan, Liu Guosong, Wucius Wong and Xu Lei. Many are considered pioneers of their generation for innovation in composition, technique, use of media, or a combination of all, that are distinguished from, but evoke a link with the ink painting tradition.

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Prior to the forthcoming Impressionist & Modern Art and Surrealist Art Evening Sales to be held in London on 3 February 2016, Sotheby’s is delighted to announce an exhibition of highlights in Hong Kong - including an exceptional painting by Henri Matisse, which has emerged after 85 years in a private collection, and a rare example of Francis Picabia’s machinist compositions.  This exhibition follows a record year for Sotheby’s sales of Impressionist & Modern Art worldwide in 2015, which achieved a grand total of US$1.72 billion – the highest annual figure for the company in this category.

Sotheby’s has also been achieving outstanding prices for Surrealist works of art, including many artist records, since its first stand-alone sale 15 years ago – the market for which has continued to go from strength to strength. Highlights on view include exquisite works on paper by René Magritte and a painting by Francis Picabia.

Estimate: £1,800,000-2,500,000 / HK$20,800,000-28,900,000

Francis Picabia
Le Ventilateur
oil on cardboard
Painted in 1917
An exceptional example of Picabia’s rare and profoundly influential machinist compositions from his Dada period, in this work a ventilation machine is depicted as analogous with a potent female sexuality. The use of the mechanical forms and the sensational associations they evoke were fundamental to the artist’s perception of art’s role in the modern, industrialised epoch.

Estimate: £500,000-700,000 / HK$5,800,000-8,100,000

René Magritte
L’usage de la parole
gouache and collage on paper
Executed in 1961

Magritte’s use of paper cut-outs in 1925 began around the same time that he embarked on his first surrealist paintings. This work features a number of the iconic elements and signature objects that he developed at this time, including the silhouette of a bowler-hatted man which remained the single most iconic motif of his œuvre. The piece is also linked to Magritte’s celebrated body of work known as ‘word- paintings’, and the word representing an abstract notion (knowledge) adds a conceptual dimension to the composition. 

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Photos supplied from Sotheby's