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Contemporary Art (Asian) - Liu Ye - Mondrain in the Afternoon

Liu Ye 劉野
Liu Ye, Mondrain in the Afternoon, 
2001, acrylic on canvas
160 x 160 cm
2001 年作, 壓克力畫布, 160 x 160 公分
Courtesy of Sotheby's 

Mondrain in the Afternoon is one of a set of three iconic paintings by Liu Ye that references his artistic dialogue with the works of Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. The other two works are Mondrian at Noon and Mondrain in the Morning. The first belongs to the collection of Long Museum in Shanghai while the second remains in the artist's private collection. This work, the only in private hands, displays the ways in the visual theories such as balance and geometrical partitioning have permeated Liu Ye's artwork.

《下午的蒙德里安》是劉野三張分別以「早晨」、「中午」及「下午」為題, 同樣以蒙德里安 (Piet Mondrian) 作品為構圖的作品系列之一。其中,《中午的蒙德里安》由上海龍美術館館藏,《早晨的蒙德里安》則屬藝術家私人收藏, 此作是唯一一 張存於私人收藏中, 稀有性不言而喻。劉野早年於德國柏林藝術學院學習, 此作正充分呈現不同視覺理論對其的影響, 如講求平衡與幾何的畫面切割, 統一的和諧、平衡及秩序感。

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