Édouard Manet, Le bar aux Folies-Bergère 1881, Est. £15 - 20 million / HK$180 - 240 million photo from Sotheby's |
Depicting what is arguably the most famous and iconic image of Manet’s œuvre, Le bar aux Folies- Bergères is the first version of his celebrated oil of the same title, now in the collection of the Courtauld Gallery, London. These were the only two paintings by Manet of the Folies-Bergère, thus it is the only version remaining in private hands. The painting remained in the artist’s personal collection up until his death, after which his famed dealer Paul Durand-Ruel was able to procure the work. The painting was shown to the public in 1905 in the now legendary exhibition at the Grafton Galleries, London, which introduced the British public to Impressionism. Testament to its outstanding quality, it has since been exhibited extensively internationally; most recently featuring as one of the highlights of the National Gallery’s blockbuster exhibition in London Inventing Impressionism: Paul Durand-Ruel and the Modern Art Market.
Edgar Degas,
Petite danseuse de quatorze ans 1922,
Est. £10 - 15 million / HK$120 - 180 million
Petite danseuse de quatorze ans is the most ambitious and iconic of Degas’ works and one of only a handful of bronze casts that remain in private hands - the majority are housed in major international museum collections, including Tate, London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Philadelphia Museum of Art and Museé d’Orsay, Paris. Celebrated for the revolutionary nature of its modern sculptural form, this ground-breaking work from the Impressionist period was the only sculpture exhibited during Degas’ lifetime. When the wax model was first seen by audiences in 1881, the unflinching realism of Petite danseuse de quatorze ans excited considerable comment. Rather than showing the graceful poise and elegance expected of the dancer, with this sculpture Degas focused on capturing a momentary glimpse that exposed the relentless work that a ballerina’s performance demands. It was hailed for its modernity as much as it was chastised for its perceived vulgarity.
Gustav Klimt,
Bildnis Gertrud Loew (Gertha Felsöványi) 1902,
Est. £12 – 18 million / HK$144 – 216 million
Gustav Klimt’s exquisite representations of women have led him to become the most celebrated painter of the female portrait of the early 20th-century. This extraordinarily beautiful and captivating portrait Bildnis Gertrud Loew depicts the ethereal figure of Gertrud Loew, later known by her married name Gertha Felsöványi, a member of fin- de-siècle Viennese society, wreathed in diaphanous folds of gossamer fabric. The sale will follows a settlement between the Felsöványi family and The Klimt Foundation, Vienna, and is one of the greatest portraits by the artist to come to auction.
Paul Gauguin,
Nature morte aux mangos
Circa 1891-96,
Petite danseuse de quatorze ans is the most ambitious and iconic of Degas’ works and one of only a handful of bronze casts that remain in private hands - the majority are housed in major international museum collections, including Tate, London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Philadelphia Museum of Art and Museé d’Orsay, Paris. Celebrated for the revolutionary nature of its modern sculptural form, this ground-breaking work from the Impressionist period was the only sculpture exhibited during Degas’ lifetime. When the wax model was first seen by audiences in 1881, the unflinching realism of Petite danseuse de quatorze ans excited considerable comment. Rather than showing the graceful poise and elegance expected of the dancer, with this sculpture Degas focused on capturing a momentary glimpse that exposed the relentless work that a ballerina’s performance demands. It was hailed for its modernity as much as it was chastised for its perceived vulgarity.
Gustav Klimt,
Bildnis Gertrud Loew (Gertha Felsöványi) 1902,
Est. £12 – 18 million / HK$144 – 216 million
Gustav Klimt’s exquisite representations of women have led him to become the most celebrated painter of the female portrait of the early 20th-century. This extraordinarily beautiful and captivating portrait Bildnis Gertrud Loew depicts the ethereal figure of Gertrud Loew, later known by her married name Gertha Felsöványi, a member of fin- de-siècle Viennese society, wreathed in diaphanous folds of gossamer fabric. The sale will follows a settlement between the Felsöványi family and The Klimt Foundation, Vienna, and is one of the greatest portraits by the artist to come to auction.
Paul Gauguin,
Nature morte aux mangos
Circa 1891-96,
Est. £10 – 15 million / HK$120 - 180 million
Nature morte aux mangos is thought to have been executed in Tahiti during Gauguin's first trip to the Island. Inspired by the lush environment that surrounded him, the work epitomises the artist’s life-long search for the primitive and displays the same vividness and sensuous atmosphere and the bright, warm palette that characterised his celebrated Tahitian landscapes and figure paintings. Indeed, to a traveller from Europe, mangoes – which grew in abundance in Tahiti – must have seemed symbolic of the rich and colourful landscape of these islands. The fruit of the earth represented a part of the everyday life of the islanders, not only as a source of food but as an offering to the gods, and this is reflected in Gauguin’s work. A fascinating and highly accomplished image of the harmony between the natural and the man-made, Nature morte aux mangos is a powerful testament not only to Gauguin’s own creative vision, but also to the artistic and spiritual ideal of freedom, wilderness and simplicity.
Nature morte aux mangos is thought to have been executed in Tahiti during Gauguin's first trip to the Island. Inspired by the lush environment that surrounded him, the work epitomises the artist’s life-long search for the primitive and displays the same vividness and sensuous atmosphere and the bright, warm palette that characterised his celebrated Tahitian landscapes and figure paintings. Indeed, to a traveller from Europe, mangoes – which grew in abundance in Tahiti – must have seemed symbolic of the rich and colourful landscape of these islands. The fruit of the earth represented a part of the everyday life of the islanders, not only as a source of food but as an offering to the gods, and this is reflected in Gauguin’s work. A fascinating and highly accomplished image of the harmony between the natural and the man-made, Nature morte aux mangos is a powerful testament not only to Gauguin’s own creative vision, but also to the artistic and spiritual ideal of freedom, wilderness and simplicity.
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Pablo Picasso, Deux Personnages (La Lecture) 1934, Est. £13 – 18 million / HK$156 – 216 million photo from Sotheby's |
馬奈、德加、高更、畢加索、克林姆、馬列維奇 一系列現代藝術巨匠精彩傑作 下周亮相倫敦蘇富比
總估價高達1 億 4,000 萬至 2 億 300 萬英鎊 / 16 億 8,000 萬至 24 億 3,600 萬港元*
印象派與現代藝術晚拍」 將於 6 月 24 日晚上 7 時舉行
蘇富比印象派及現代藝術部環球聯主席 Helena Newman 表示: 「即將舉行的晚拍將呈獻一系列現代藝術巨匠精品,嚢括馬奈、德加、克林姆、馬列維奇、高更 和米羅等名家頂尖之作。當中有個別作品物歸原主後,我們有幸獲得藝術家後人的信任和委託, 這些珍稀名作才得以現身拍場,造就這次前所未有的購藏良機。」
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卡茲米爾馬列維奇(Kazimir Malevich) 《至上主義,第 18 號構造》,1915 年 估價:2,000 萬至 3,000 萬英鎊/2 億 4,000 萬至 3 億 6,000 萬港元 |
是次晚拍的焦點拍品乃拍賣史上其中一幅最重要的卡茲米爾‧ 馬列維奇畫作。《至上主義,第 18 號構造》為倫敦泰特美術 館近期備受好評的回顧展亮點,此前從未現身拍場,直至畫作 完成整整一個世紀後的今年,始由藝術家家族直接委託拍賣。 作品繪於馬列維奇藝術生涯的巔峰時期,象徵著當時最革新的 抽象藝術運動,也令畫家躋身二十世紀國際藝壇最重要藝術家 之列。本作五十年來藏於阿姆斯特丹市立博物館(Stedelijk Museum),後交還藝術家家族。
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愛德華•馬奈(Édouard Manet) 《女神遊樂廳的吧台》 1881 年,估價:1,500 萬至 2,000 萬英鎊/ 1 億 8,000 萬至 2 億 4,000 萬港元 photo from Sotheby's |
《女神遊樂廳的吧台》描繪馬奈最聞名及具標誌 性的創作題材,此作乃藝術家筆下唯一兩幅描繪 女神遊樂廳的作品之一,另一幅現藏於倫敦考陶 爾德藝術學院(Courtauld Gallery),是次上拍的 作品是唯一仍為私人藏家收藏之版本。畫家一直 珍藏本作,直到辭世後輾轉由知名藝商保羅•杜 杭•胡埃(Paul Durand-Ruel)購得。畫作於 1905 年展於倫敦格拉夫頓畫廊(Grafton Galleries),該展覽乃於英國展示印象派作品的先驅,現已成藝壇佳 話。多年來,作品於國際間被廣泛展出,為其卓絕品質之力證;它亦參展最近在熱烈好評下落幕的倫 敦國家美術館展覽「發現印象派:保羅•杜杭•胡埃與現代藝術市場」,並是該展覽的亮點。
古斯塔夫克林姆(Gustav Klimt),《格璐德勒弗(格爾塔費舒瓦尼)肖像》 1902 年,估價:1,200 萬至 1,800 萬英鎊/1 億 4,400 萬至 2 億 1,600 萬港元
古斯塔夫克林姆刻畫女性形像精妙絕倫,盡顯其不世奇才,令他成為二十世紀 初最受擁戴的女性肖像畫家。畫中人倩影空靈,身披飄飄薄紗,正是生於維也 納世紀末社會的格璐德勒弗(Gertrud Loew)女士,其婚後改名格爾塔•費舒 瓦尼(Gertha Felsöványi)。此畫作堪稱克林姆的巔峰傑作,超凡脫俗,令人神 迷,經費舒瓦尼家族與維也納克林姆基金會達成協議,於 6 月 24 日在蘇富比矚 目上拍。
保羅高更(Paul Gauguin)《芒果》
約 1891-96 年,估價:1,000 萬至 1,500 萬 英鎊/1 億 2,000 萬至 1 億 8,000 萬港元
一般認為,《芒果》創作於高更首到大溪地之時。大溪地叢林茂盛的自然環境刺 激著高更的創作靈感,此作體現了他一生求索不懈的原始美 感,展示其身邊生動朗麗、充滿感官氣息的生活氛圍,明亮溫暖的色調也是其筆下大溪地人文風光的一大特色。對來自歐洲的旅行者而言,芒果這種盛產於大溪地的水果,自然成為豐茂繽紛的異國熱帶島嶼的象徵。生長自大地的瓜果是島民每日的生活必需,它們 不只是糧食,更是奉獻諸神的祭品,這些都被高更的畫作一一紀錄下來。《芒果》成功地捕捉「自 然」與「人造」合起來的和諧美感,不僅見證高更的創作願景,也展現出其自由奔放和簡約樸實等藝 術與個人精神的理想境界。
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巴布羅畢加索(Pablo Picasso),《倆人(閱讀)》,1934 年 估價:1,300 萬至 1,800 萬英鎊/1 億 5,600 萬至 2 億 1,600 萬港元 |
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