Kusama Yayoi
Between Heaven and Earth (set of five) |

Kusama Yayoi is one of few Asian Contemporary artists who is dedicated to creating large-scale oil paintings. Created in the 1980s and 2000s, Between Heaven and Earth (set of five) is classic of the period to which they belong, and undoubtedly rare finds. The five-paneled, soft sculpture Between Heaven and Earth (set of five) is a singular, monumental work epitomising Kusama Yayoi’s stellar ascent into international prominence in the late 1980s onwards. The riveting optical patterns evoke an exotically-hued tapestry blooming in writhing dynamism. Transposed onto wall-mounted segments, the unruly, quirkily-coloured protuberances gain a heightened sense of grandeur alongside its paradoxical whimsicality, allowing for a detached contemplation of Kusama’s singular sense of the infinite.