31 July - 18 September, 2020
"+VE/-VE" exhibition is presenting works of art created by more than celebrated 40 Hong Kong-based artists and some emerging in the scene from 31 July to 31 August, 2020, shining rays of hope revive the battered art scenes in times of trouble, and reconnect lovers of art to their objects of desire.
Featuring over 60 works of art which today salute the dedicated medical workers, capture scenes where used to be lively and bustling, express the artists' abstract thoughts arising from the current political environment arising from the pandemic and to celebrate the resilience and perseverance of Hong Kong people during this time.
於2020年7月31日至2020年9月18日, “ + VE / -VE”展覽將展示由40多位香港藝術家創作的藝術品,旨在在這難過的疫情中,重新將藝術愛好者與他們心愛的藝術品聯繫起來。
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Keep Calm, 2020 Mixed Media 32 x 32 ′′ |
新藝潮「+ve/-ve」同時舉辦網上展覽,展出更多參展藝術家的作品, 點擊以下連結觀賞部分作品:
Chao Harn Kae, Move on 繼續進行Cheng Man Ling, Chinese Sunflower Mirror 葵花鏡, 2020
Donna Chu, Harmony 融晴Eric Ho Deep Impression 深黑印象, 2020Kurt Chan, That Red Tree 那一顆紅樹, 2020
Donna Chu, Harmony 融晴Eric Ho Deep Impression 深黑印象, 2020Kurt Chan, That Red Tree 那一顆紅樹, 2020
Hong Kong artists show resilience in time of pandemic
Over 60 important works that bear witness to these unprecedented times
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“Despite the negative impact that the pandemic and social distancing have had on the global economy and our daily lives, they have also forced us to reflect on what matters most to us as individuals and as a community,” said Ms Judy Inn, Director of Art Next and Curator of the Exhibition. “These are without any doubt very difficult times, and yet we are also seeing some positive outcomes: our planet is healthier, more people are embracing new technologies like ZOOM, and new business opportunities have emerged.”
Ms Inn added, “With its power to connect people, art has never been more important. ‘+VE/-VE’ captures not only the creative sensibilities of over 40 talented local artists but also reflects the common experience of Hong Kong people as a whole. Like many of us, artists have suffered financially during this difficult time. We hope the exhibition will function to reconnect them with art collectors and help them get through the current challenges they are facing. All the works in the exhibition are reasonably priced, making this a great opportunity for art lovers and collectors to acquire good quality works that represent an important moment in Hong Kong’s art development.”
Art Next “+VE/-VE” Exhibition
Some works is available for viewing, please click the following links:
The virtual tour is also available, please click here for viewing pleasure.
Photography: Courtesy of Art Next Expo